You are here: Introduction > Customising Grids

Customising Grids

Concept Evolution records are displayed in a customisable grid format.

To view more detailed information in a pop-up window, either click the entity icon at the start of the row, or double-click anywhere else on the required record.

All grids within Concept Evolution have functionality to enable a User to personalise the grid and print or export data from that grid.

The icons to enable a User to use this functionality are found in the bottom right corner of the grid.

Icon Name Description
Export to CSV Allows the grid data to be exported to a CSV file.
Print Allows the grid to be printed.
Set Default Columns Allows the grids default columns to be altered for all Users.
Personalise Allows a User to set grid columns to their personal preference.
Enable / Disable Multi Column Sort Switches the grid from sorting by a single column, to sorting by multiple columns.
Turn Auto Refresh On / Off Switches off the grids auto filtering function.
Clear All Filters Clears all applied filters on the grid.

Export to CSV


Set Default Columns

Personalising the Grid

Sorting the Grid

Multi Column Sort

Auto Refreshing the Grid

Removing Filters